Upstash - Redis not reachable sometimes

I can confirm this works now, I have the latest version of node-redis:

 this.cache = createClient({
      url: process.env.REDIS_URL,
      pingInterval: 4 * 60 * 1000,
      socket: {
        family: 6,

    this.cache.on('error', err => this.logger.error(err, 'Redis error'));
    this.cache.on('connect', () => this.logger.log('Redis is connect'));
    this.cache.on('reconnecting', () => this.logger.log('Redis is reconnecting'));
    this.cache.on('ready', () => this.logger.log('Redis is ready'));

    await this.cache.connect();

Also, I use the * URL, is it recommended to use the ipv6 internal instead? (I changed it when debugging) and just want to know if I should move back to that.

I think this should be documented somewhere when using node-redis but also ioredis because I had the same problem with both clients.