Upstash for Redis: New $10/mo, single region fixed price plan

Earlier this month, based on customer feedback, we worked with Upstash to add a $50 fixed price Redis plan with 3GB of storage, for Redis databases used as queues by tools like Sidekiq and BullMQ, which poll Redis aggressively and aren’t compatible with pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pricing.

Some of you suggested that your smaller apps don’t need this beefy plan and couldn’t justify the cost.

So, we worked with Upstash on a $10/mo plan with the following limits:

  • No replica regions
  • 200MB storage
  • 100 req/s

To switch, use fly redis update <dbname> .

If you switch to any fixed price plan, you previous accumulated PAYG cost in April will be cleared out. If you switched too late (after May 1st), contact support. We’ll toss some credits your way to offset the costs.

Thanks for your invaluable feedback!