Deployed and migrated this app 3 months ago from Heroku. It had been working properly until yesterday. No idea how or why, but in the activity section of the app, there seems to be a new deployment.
I don’t think my credentials have been stolen because I use Bitwarden’s password generator for strong and sophisticated passwords. But let’s think the worst case scenario and someone got into my account. What’s the point of deploying and crashing a profitless and trafficless site?
Anyway, is there any way I can solve the problem without a computer? Thanks!
Hi there. I assume you’ve used our heroku launcher, would that be correct? If so, we setup a webhook to sync your changes so if someone deployed there that’s the reason you see a deployment on your fly app too.
That’s correct, I’ve used Heroku launcher to migrate the app. I noticed Heroku deleted the DB but did not make any deployments. The same with my Stock Management project. They deleted its DB and didn’t make any deployments. Stock Management app is also throwing 500 error now.
@jerome Thanks for the rollback. 500 server error is not intended and normal. It didn’t exist before the strange deployment. I’ll have to find the reason of the error.