Unable to upload DB to LiteFS Cloud Cluster

I tried to use the Fly.io’s dashboard to import my sqlite database and keep getting the error message " There was a problem uploading your file. Please select a new file." Is there a log we have access to see why there was a problem? It is a permissions issue?

I also tried to import it via ssh console and got this error:
“ERROR: Post “http://localhost:20202/import?name=website.db”: dial tcp connect: connection refused”

Thanks in advance!

Is your database a SQLite database or is it a set of SQL statements? Or is it compressed? There’s some validation that’s done on the database when it’s uploaded so it could be failing on that. Also, what’s the size of the database?

That error looks like LiteFS isn’t running on the machine your’re SSH’d into or that you changed the port that LiteFS is running on. Can you see if litefs serve is running with a ps command?

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