For the second time, my connection no longer works to my PostgreSQL database. I haven’t made any changes—seems random.
I first noticed this at 2024-04-01T17:16:54.054Z.
The error seems to imply a timeout:
KnexTimeoutError: Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?
at Client_PG.acquireConnection (/Users/jiralite/Documents/GitHub/Soulobby/Soulobby/node_modules/.pnpm/knex@3.1.0_pg@8.11.3/node_modules/knex/lib/client.js:332:26)
at Runner.ensureConnection (/Users/jiralite/Documents/GitHub/Soulobby/Soulobby/node_modules/.pnpm/knex@3.1.0_pg@8.11.3/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:305:28)
at (/Users/jiralite/Documents/GitHub/Soulobby/Soulobby/node_modules/.pnpm/knex@3.1.0_pg@8.11.3/node_modules/knex/lib/execution/runner.js:30:19)
at Function.fetch (file:///Users/jiralite/Documents/GitHub/Soulobby/Soulobby/source/Structures/Rotations.ts:63:28)
at file:///Users/jiralite/Documents/GitHub/Soulobby/Soulobby/source/Structures/Rotations.ts:365:16
This is not a code-related issue as I ran flyctl proxy 5432 --app <app_name>
and tried to connect manually.
I am pretty sure my database is hosted in LHR. I cannot check because fails to load the machines and volumes (same error):
I have another database hosted in a region that is not LHR and it functions fine.
This does not seem related to the ongoing incident.
Any pointers?