Static Files randomly fails to serve (404) - [No such file or directory]

Hello Everyone!

I recently deployed a Django Application following the known tutorials and I’m managing static files with WhiteNoise.

The problem I have is that when I access the application, the static files are sometimes being served and sometimes they are not:


Looking at the logs I have:

2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2)
2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2)
2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2)
2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]Not Found: /static/js/modal.js
2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]Not Found: /static/js/tts.js
2023-06-21T08:58:48Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]Not Found: /static/js/htmx.min.js
2023-06-21T08:58:51Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2)
2023-06-21T08:58:51Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]Not Found: /static/css/normalize.css
2023-06-21T08:58:51Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]ERROR No such file or directory (os error 2)
2023-06-21T08:58:51Z app[e784e903f00118] ams [info]Not Found: /static/js/modal.js

This happened both when using volumes or not. Currently I’m not using them and I’m just collecting statics after deploying.

My fly.toml:

# fly.toml app configuration file generated for findyourfind on 2023-06-06T13:15:59+02:00
# See for information about how to use this file.

app = "findyourfind"
primary_region = "ams"
console_command = "/code/ shell"

  release_command = "python migrate"

  PORT = "8000"

  internal_port = 8000
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = false
  auto_start_machines = false
  min_machines_running = 0

  guest_path = "/code/staticfiles"
  url_prefix = "/static"

Any ideas or suggestions?

Finally I ended up fixing it by not executing python collectstatic by hand but rather having a:

RUN python collectstatic --noinput

In the Dockerfile.