ssh into an app fails: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey]


I have an app deployed in fly.
Now, I am trying to ssh into the VM/app to look around. For that I use the ssh subcommand but I get an error:

$ flyctl ssh issue  --agent
$ flyctl ssh  console  -a drio-fly
Connecting to fdaa:1:2918:a7b:7a:12b1:7f16:2... complete
Error error connecting to SSH server: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

I have also tried to ssh via a token but I get the same error.

Does anyone now what may be happening here?



I have the same problem

To add another datapoint: It works fine for me using a minimal Dockerfile app (see below).

(Aside: I believe flyctl ssh issue --agent is only necessary if you want to use ssh directly; since you are using flyctl ssh console it shouldn’t be necessary.)

Full steps:

mkdir app && cd app
cat > Dockerfile <<"EOF"
FROM alpine
CMD sleep 1000000
fly launch # accept defaults
fly deploy --detach # we skip monitoring because the health checks will fail
# wait a couple of seconds for the VM to finish starting up
fly ssh console # no need for "-a appname" thanks to generated fly.toml


Connecting to fdaa:xxx:2... complete  
/ #

Update: This is an unrelated issue, but I am getting weird errors when using fly ssh console -C. Sometimes it works but often it doesn’t (the output of the remote command isn’t displayed):

$ fly ssh console -C id
Connecting to fdaa:xxx:2... complete
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
$ fly ssh console -C id
Connecting to fdaa:xxx:2... complete
$ fly ssh console -C id
Connecting to fdaa:xxx:2... complete
$ fly version
flyctl v0.0.450 linux/amd64 Commit: 51325e4a BuildDate: 2023-01-13T21:57:29Z

However, fly ssh console (without -C) always works for me.

There are others with similar SSH errors from the last day or so:

Several months ago a similar issue was described here, they mention that the logs (flyctl logs) contained some more information and that SSH worked after completely removing the app and launching+deploying it again.

There was also another similar issue a couple of months (SSH Handshake Failed) which was resolved internally.


I tried this again this morning and now it works. :person_shrugging:t2:


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Same here. Running into the same problem.
Tom93’s minimal example did work fork me.

@luebken There was a DNS issue in the Miami region that could have caused such SSH errors, but it was fixed a couple of days ago.

The output of fly logs might be useful (especially if it has any lines like “unexpected error: transient SSH server error: can’t resolve _orgcert.internal”), and it might also be useful to know which region your app is deployed in.

Since a minimal app works, you could try deploying a copy of your app to try to identify if the problem is related to your app. (The nuclear option is to completely remove the app then launch+deploy it again, but beware of data loss!)

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As a data point: I got the same error (with an application in LHR, scale count of 2) on my first attempt to connect. I re-ran the command and connection was made, and subsequent retries have succeeded. I did not make any changes to my app (just waited the amount of time it took me to search this forum for the error message, about 2 minutes).

1st try:

fly ssh console
Connecting to [redacted]... complete
Error error connecting to SSH server: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

2nd try:

fly ssh console
Connecting to [redacted]... complete
/ #

So, if it is the dns issue linked by @tom93 above, it looks like it’s (intermittently?) impacting LHR too – maybe something for @kurt to confirm.

edit for logs:

2023-01-27T13:07:03Z app[b5c698f6] lhr [info]2023/01/27 13:07:03 unexpected error: durable SSH server error: malformed _orgcert.internal record: Invalid public key format
2023-01-27T13:07:03Z app[b5c698f6] lhr [info]2023/01/27 13:07:03 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, durable SSH server error: malformed _orgcert.internal record: Invalid public key format]

Thanks @tom93 for your reply.

Re logs:

$ fly ssh console
Connecting to fdaa:0:d9ee:a7b:96:81c2:fd83:2... complete
Error error connecting to SSH server: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
$ fly logs
2023-01-27T13:34:28Z app[81c2fd83] dfw [info]2023/01/27 13:34:28 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, user: 'root' does not exist]

I’ve tried it in FRA and DFW.

For context this is the simple Go app: GitHub - luebken/helloweb

This is an unrelated issue due to the base image (replied here).

This sounds like it is different from the fixed DNS issue (which was only in Miami and resulted in “can’t resolve _orgcert.internal”).

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