App starting but not available somehow

My .env file is empty, I’ve added 2 secrets for secret key and mongodb connection url and put the PORT env variable into the fly.toml file (as seen above).

The SSH command won’t connect:

▶ flyctl ssh console
Connecting to complete
Error error connecting to SSH server: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

This caused the following error in the monitoring error log:

2022-07-13T18:20:55.193 app[4ba72819] fra [info] 2022/07/13 18:20:55 unexpected error: transient SSH server error: can't resolve _orgcert.internal

2022-07-13T18:20:55.255 app[4ba72819] fra [info] 2022/07/13 18:20:55 unexpected error: [ssh: no auth passed yet, transient SSH server error: can't resolve _orgcert.internal]

Creating an organization certificate resulted in this message in my local console window:

▶ flyctl ssh establish
? Select organization: <snip> (<snip>)
Establishing SSH CA cert for organization <snip>
Error establish key failed: key exists and override not set

I’ll see what else I can do eg. remove everything and restart from scratch.

Thanks for helping me, Chris!

Best wishes

I’ve removed the app completely and was able to SSH into it afterwards.
The webserver is running on port 8080. It is reachable using curl -v inside the application.
The subdomain though is not reachable and isn’t announced with an IP address at all (dig can’t find it, same as The IP address of the application also doesn’t have any open ports somehow, neither 80 nor 443 work.

I didn’t do anything since my last edit but somehow the subdomain works now and I can reach my app. Strange, but awesome. Thanks to to whoever did this.

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