Simply wanted to signify a potential CLI bug , got message ‘only 1 volume supported’ while also being said to create 2 or more (it in actual failed status)
# Create the app without generating fly.toml
fly apps create synaptic-frontend
# Create volumes in different zones
fly volumes create synaptic_frontend_assets --size 5 --require-unique-zone
fly volumes create synaptic_frontend_files --size 5 --require-unique-zone
# Deploy using existing fly.toml
fly deploy
? Select Organization: Synaptic (synaptic-611)
New app created: synaptic-frontend
Warning! Every volume is pinned to a specific physical host. You should create two or more volumes per application to avoid downtime. Learn more at
? Do you still want to use the volumes feature? Yes
? Select region: Paris, France (cdg)
ID: **************
Name: **************
App: ***************
Region: cdg
Zone: **************
Size GB: 5
Encrypted: true
Created at: 09 Jan 25 10:44 UTC
Snapshot retention: 5
Scheduled snapshots: true
Warning! Every volume is pinned to a specific physical host. You should create two or more volumes per application to avoid downtime. Learn more at
? Do you still want to use the volumes feature? Yes
? Select region: Paris, France (cdg)
ID: **************
Name: **************
App: **************
Region: cdg
Zone: **************
Size GB: 5
Encrypted: true
Created at: 09 Jan 25 10:44 UTC
Snapshot retention: 5
Scheduled snapshots: true
==> Verifying app config
Validating /Users/salfysoxws/Documents/Synaptic/NUXT/fly.toml
✓ Configuration is valid
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
==> Building image with Depot
--> build: ()
[+] Building 65.7s (18/19)
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.49kB 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 0.7s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 198B 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 64.9s
=> => transferring context: 20.18MB 2.0s
=> [base 1/3] FROM 0.0s
=> => resolve 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 2/3] WORKDIR /frontend 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 3/3] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 make g++ && rm -rf /va 0.0s
=> CACHED [install 1/2] COPY package*.json bun.lockb ./ 0.0s
=> CACHED [install 2/2] RUN if [ "playground" = "production" ]; then bun install --production; e 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 1/5] COPY --from=install /frontend/package.json ./package.json 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 2/5] COPY --from=install /frontend/bun.lockb ./bun.lockb 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 3/5] COPY --from=install /frontend/node_modules ./node_modules 0.0s
=> [build 4/5] COPY . . 0.1s
=> [build 5/5] RUN bun run build 34.9s
=> [production 1/4] COPY --from=build /frontend/.output ./.output 0.1s
=> [production 2/4] COPY --from=install /frontend/package.json ./package.json 0.0s
=> [production 3/4] COPY --from=install /frontend/bun.lockb ./bun.lockb 0.0s
=> [production 4/4] COPY --from=install /frontend/node_modules ./node_modules 6.6s
=> exporting to image 20.4s
=> => exporting layers 1.5s
=> => exporting manifest sha256:9a3921663058215018691f9583285bd81f091df69cfe3683ea823db3ee6998aa 0.0s
=> => exporting config sha256:7c3ed02bf516f79cdfcd8f305c5733abfc17a29f739acd3a3deda9b73a19e2b3 0.0s
=> => pushing layers for 16.0s
=> => pushing layer sha256:cd93691a8bc3cfb2da485c3bed4002e8a65b7b6a38cb275b9b086035a419f4f0 16.0s
=> => pushing layer sha256:a64f6c58b8a72c431079e75f45a01fc9fd32da8c59dd0cbc6e361c200f508ea9 6.9s
=> => pushing layer sha256:01671ad333822891f0ca41e9f2b3043040ff839c9dfb747e56c175bdae867f4f 11.3s
=> => pushing layer sha256:5f70009be3e25a3899a8b3942af6c6ea0b28785aa5977328d30936e9a573d376 6.9s
=> => pushing layer sha256:65b352bcb61f74043f0e07f5189590a2779c0d7ca808666e430be454b06b4275 15.4s
=> => pushing layer sha256:cc7e9757b74d60a995aa53f74cd32968372add5bad46d028301299efdaf30fd8 6.3s
=> => pushing layer sha256:a299f27e258d05a750e728f62a0abdf9acbc3daa435542f40ff2cdacaaa45e76 11.5s
=> => pushing layer sha256:7c3ed02bf516f79cdfcd8f305c5733abfc17a29f739acd3a3deda9b73a19e2b3 7.8s
=> => pushing layer sha256:110280cd379a2ada90a9250d8e00f42730434a09c6702199b18e437158cb5450 8.4s
=> => pushing layer sha256:5d6e107a26c2ffb6e234f04132358dea70a691a64c1152f984d2f2ba0e218c58 12.1s
=> => pushing layer sha256:1c2a10876b70b4e477cd561adce1a102d972f3e313784ed5c7136132254ce8ac 6.3s
=> => pushing layer sha256:ccd98d8ff6354f662f82ff87f5b38cca6c197ac0392edbf66c4c5bc1019ca5d5 8.6s
=> => pushing manifest for 2.9s
--> Build Summary: ()
--> Building image done
image size: 283 MB
Watch your deployment at
Provisioning ips for synaptic-frontend
Dedicated ipv6: 2a09:8280:1::5d:e0ce:0
Shared ipv4:
Add a dedicated ipv4 with: fly ips allocate-v4
This deployment will:
* create 1 "app" machine
No machines in group app, launching a new machine
✖ Failed: error creating a new machine: failed to launch VM: invalid config.mounts, only 1 volume supported
Error: error creating a new machine: failed to launch VM: invalid config.mounts, only 1 volume supported (Request ID: 01JH5AQWYQ7YXY77J3NW5W3502-cdg) (Trace ID: 991641a3c3d0a98546e1394d4b8c740d)
so yeah, am I misunderstand something here?