Process group ‘app’ needs volumes with name...


Error: Process group ‘app’ needs volumes with name my_volume_name’ to fulfill mounts defined in fly.toml; Run fly volume create my_volume_name -r REGION -n COUNT for the following regions and counts: cdg=1

My fly.toml contains

  source = "my_volume_name"
  destination = "/rails/mount/path"

And I previously ran fly volumes create my_volume_name which created an image in the right region and attached to the right app.

Then, running fly deploy trigger the error message quoted above.

Aside of this volume issue, I’ve ran into 5 or 6 different issues I had to fix. Deploying is not easy and the documentation is often confusing. I’m about to loose my mind, so any help would be greatly appreciated, please!

Volumes are not a beginner feature on—even though they are rather simple on most other hosting platforms.

The first question is whether you do really need one. For databases, Postgresql is better when starting out on Rails. For storing user uploads, Tigris would be preferred.

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Added rails

Yes I need Volumes, to persist files across deployments.
I found-out that I needed 2 volumes because of the 2 VMs, but then I would have to handle sync myself, such a headache. So I simply scaled down to 1 VM and the deploy worked.
The error message was confusing and misleading BTW.

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