I use Directus to provide a self-hosted API that has a nice admin panel for users to log into. Throw a Next.js Website in front of this thing and you’ve got a pretty flexible stack.
Hope it helps a few people! Contributions welcome.
Hi, thank you for sharing your set up , this is very useful.
But I find out after I use outlook for smtp mail in mattermost hosted on fly using your setting. The test email can be send successfully and receive successfully in gmail. But any notification cannot be receive in gmail. In my outlook mail, it shown in the sent item.
I suspect this is related to SSL related, as those notification mail include links to my mattermost instance. But at the same time the link should be safe as it is under *
May I know how did you handle the email notification part. Thanks!
After investigation, Outlook wont send out email with “weird link”, I would send for my case, are those mattermost email with html and hyper link to
I’m playing with deploying Directus. Thanks for the repo! I saw your comment in the README:
I’d love to scale this out to a High Availability solution using clustering across multiple regions on Fly. If you have any ideas on how to do this, please let me know! PR’s welcome!
Have you discovered any solutions for this? I know that fly volumes are unique per instance, although Postgres databases can be replicants of each other.
Check out the Directus config options - with Redis, S3 and Postgres you can pretty easily scale to multiple nodes
Mike Hostetler
Managing Director
Office: 1.872.216.1185
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Thanks! If you don’t mind, I have a question since I’m not familiar with using Redis: Would using a single Redis instance (if I decide to self-host Redis) defeat the purpose of having Directus scaled to multiple nodes (e.g. would that cause a bottleneck)?
gotcha, thank you. I’m assuming you mean upstash, and not openstash.
btw I think learned the answer to my question, about whether a single Redis for multiple Directus instances would cause a bottleneck, is “no”: At least in low-volume applications, while each Directus instance may share a single Redis, API calls go to the Directus instance(s), not the shared Redis, so heavier traffic shouldn’t be a problem. I think