Upstash’s pricing is not compatible with Bull queues and I have some dev environments I am not worried about having a managed service for. I am trying to self host a Redis instance (I had this working at some point in the past but I cannot figure out whats going on now).
Here is the toml file I am using
app = "trellis-bull-redis-develop"
primary_region = "yyz"
destination = "/data"
source = "bull_redis_server_develop"
port = 9091
path = "/metrics"
image = "flyio/redis:6.2.6"
cpu_kind = "shared"
cpus = 1
memory_mb = 256
internal_port = 6379
protocol = "tcp"
Which has been stitched together from:
The Redis server starts up fine from what I am can tell, and I have a private IPv6 assigned to it so I should be able to connect to it using the flycast address.
I am trying to connect to it using the following configurations: (also tried .flycast here instead of
REDIS_PASSWORD=<the password I set as a secret>
But I am getting connection reset errors:
error: { errno: -104, code: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' },
I was getting a different error before I added the family 6
part (which makes sense as its via IPv6).
This is the same env variable structure that worked with ElasticCache, DigitalOcean Redis and Upstash Redis, but doesn’t seem to work here.
I tried to enable TLS which also didn’t work (but I don’t believe that TLS should be enabled as the fly redis docker image doesn’t have it configured).
Not really sure what else to check, I THINK it should be available and open to connections but it either isn’t and the “connection reset” is a red herring or something is legitimately resetting the connecting.