Remix Blues Stack

Hey, I recently deployed a Remix project to using this tutorial GitHub - remix-run/blues-stack: The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with PostgreSQL, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.

Everything seems to work good, except that my app doesn’t load

Does it take a while for the app to be live? Most tutorials I watch makes it seems instant. I’m wondering if I did anything wrong.


It should be nearly instant.

If it doesn’t load, there should be some kind of error. Either in the browser, or in the network panel (F12) showing (e.g a 404, 500 error code), and/or from running flyctl logs locally from the same folder the fly.toml folder is in. Armed with the error code/message you should see what’s wrong (database timeout, missing file etc).

There was indeed an error. After Googling, I discovered the error was in the fly.toml file. It had the wrong port numbers for some reason. I changed it from 8080 (I think) to 3000 etc.

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