Remix app repository gone, app still live on Fly, is there a way to get source files back?

Remix app repository gone, app still live on Fly, is there a way to get source files back?

I believe you can depending on the build process.

First try to fly ssh console into a machine and look for your files.

Then you can use fly sftp to get the files.

I can view the following directories:

  • build
  • node_modules
  • package.json
  • prisma
  • public

inside build I have the following:
index.js metafile.js.json metafile.server.json version.txt

Can I retrieve the source code out of these (the app folder)?

Can you try flyctl sftp get /path/to/build?

Sorry, just re-read that you meant source code.

We don’t really store source code anywhere. This command would only give you the files out there.

Yes, I can only view the build code which will still be helpful while restoring.

Thanks anyways!
(lesson learnt: use source control all the time, you don’t know when your laptop will be stolen)

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