Really slow responses from Remix JS App on (CDG)

Hello !

I’m running a production express JS + Remix server in production. Since 2 days, we noticed that we have really slow performances when fetching JS, or even translation files. It happens that a basic components.json file is taking like 10s to be sent to the browser.

My config is 3 shared-cpu-8x in the cdg region and I’ve tried several configurations since in order to attempt to fix this issue.

Moreover, when i’m requesting my files locally on the machine after doing a basic fly ssh console and curl http://localhost:3000/locales/en/common.json, i’m getting the response immediatly after 20ms. Whenever i use the dns, it can be fast but it can’t take a long time sometimes like this:

I’m thinking then it has something to do with network or fly proxy.

Would anyone have an idea ?

Thanks by advance,

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You say this started happening about 2 days ago? Might be related to simple phoenix app with shared-cpu-1x is failing with OOM - #17 by khuezy

I’ve been told they made some kernel changes that may be caused memory issues. Look at your memory usage, if it’s near capacity, you’ll get massive latency and degradation of your app.

Further to @khuezy great suggestion (that’s entirely possible), it would also be worth looking at whether the slow requests are due to a machine having to be started on-demand. I believe that is the default. Normally that’s great as it saves a lot of money not having idle machines doing nothing. But it can result in the first request (the one triggering the machine to start) to be slow. You could also try temporarily not having that to see if it makes a difference.

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Thanks for the answer !
Yup it started to be really slow like 2 or 3 days ago. We didn’t change anything. The app was not the fastest on the market but it was not the slowest. We are really fine in memory, as you can see here :

I’ve tried to be the swap_memory to 512Mb to see but it doesn’t do much.

Regarding the autostop feature. I’ve redeployed my app with the autostop set to ‘off’ and autostart to true. I will keep you updated if that solves anything.

Hello again,

After setting the autostop machine to off, it doesnt change anything. I still have insane delays for fetching my JS files from the server

Er … :thinking:

That is odd. 17s to load a .json file is mad.

Maybe a routing issue? That would need Fly to investigate. They would need a traceroute from you I guess. It might be worth seeing if it’s only slow for you (because of your ISP) or for everyone. If the app is public you could put its URL into a tool like Website Speed Test - Check Full Page Performance | KeyCDN Tools and choose different locations to see how quickly it loads. If they are fast, it’s likely your route/ISP. If they are also really slow, it can’t be that.

Same issue with my machines on CDG today.

It’s really slow. Moved to AMS some machines and they are back to normal speed.
Something is happening in CDG.


Thanks a lot !

I’ve put all my machines to LHR and it seems to be much faster. There is definitely an issue with the CDG region. I’ve checked and other monitoring stuffs but was warned about this.

Anyway, appreciate a lot for the help.



I’m still facing the issue, recreating the machines did not work. I deployed the app machine to AMS without any luck either, probably because the DB and Redis are still in CDG.
Can we have an update from’s team?

FYI: the issue is still ongoing in CDG. HTTP latency is through the roof. Any updates from the team?

Multiple customers are impacted and I haven’t seen it addressed anywhere.

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