Preview: Postgres on Machines ( Fly Apps V2 )

Thanks. I have a feedback on V2.

Right now, it seems as if the proxy wakes up Machines for just a single connection (and sometimes, for no connection!). Fly could be way more smarter in how it starts new Machines, preferably sending the traffic to a single VM until soft_limit is hit. I don’t observe that happening in the current setup, like at all.

Such behaviour surprised me, given Kurt once explained the proxy is really just a very simple affinity-based load-balancer. I’ve got 40+ Machines, with 3 Machines in some regions. In those regions, I see all 3 Machines start up to serve mere 3 requests per minute each, when in reality, the soft_limit of 175 should have meant just one Machine was ideally spun up, instead of 3.

When is V2 expected to be prod ready (I’m thinking 7 to 9 months)? I’m already planning my move over to Machines as it is infinitely better to work with than autoscale.


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