I tried deploying again , I’m getting this error 2022-07-31T04:59:53.129 app[4695a06d] maa [info] keeper | 2022-07-31T04:59:53.129Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1526 failed to start postgres {"error": "error writing postgresql.conf file: write /data/postgres/postgresql.conf2993138651: no space left on device"}
is there a way to fix it ? or restore a snapshot to the same instance ?
You’re out of space and will need to extend the volume.
$ fly volumes extend --help
Extends a target volume to the size specified. Volumes with attached nomad allocations
will be restarted automatically. Machines will require a manual restart to increase the size
of the FS.
flyctl volumes extend <id> [flags]
-a, --app string Application name
-c, --config string Path to application configuration file
-h, --help help for extend
-s, --size int Target volume size in gigabytes
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string Fly API Access Token
-j, --json json output
--verbose verbose output
hi @tj1 , I’m not able to find extend command in my fly cli
192:fly vishalj$ flyctl volumes --help
Commands for managing Fly Volumes associated with an application.
flyctl volumes [command]
volumes, vol
Available Commands:
create Create new volume for app
delete Delete a volume from the app
list List the volumes for app
show Show details of an app's volume
snapshots Manage volume snapshots
-a, --app string App name to operate on
-c, --config string Path to an app config file or directory containing one (default "./fly.toml")
-h, --help help for volumes
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string Fly API Access Token
-j, --json json output
--verbose verbose output
2022-07-31T08:59:05.449 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:05.449Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1009 no eligible masters
2022-07-31T08:59:13.519 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:13.519Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "1908ab27", "keeper": "14bf0db912"}
2022-07-31T08:59:13.521 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:13.521Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1009 no eligible masters
2022-07-31T08:59:22.620 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:22.619Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "1908ab27", "keeper": "14bf0db912"}
2022-07-31T08:59:22.625 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:22.625Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1009 no eligible masters
2022-07-31T08:59:30.845 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:30.845Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "1908ab27", "keeper": "14bf0db912"}
2022-07-31T08:59:30.851 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:30.850Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1009 no eligible masters
2022-07-31T08:59:39.078 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:39.078Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "1908ab27", "keeper": "14bf0db912"}
2022-07-31T08:59:39.081 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:39.080Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1009 no eligible masters
2022-07-31T08:59:48.854 app[ff0d7944] maa [info] sentinel | 2022-07-31T08:59:48.854Z WARN cmd/sentinel.go:276 no keeper info available {"db": "1908ab27", "keeper": "14bf0db912"}