Postgres app no longer connects, logs non-stop proxy + keeper messages

Neither my deployed prod Fly app nor my local machine + Wireguard can connect to my Postgres app anymore (previously worked fine), and my Postgres app keeps spitting out the following logs non-stop (address + app names omitted):

2022-02-21T09:28:25.928 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **proxy** | 2022-02-21T09:28:25.928Z INFO cmd/proxy.go:268 master address {"address": "[fdaa:[[omitted]]"}

2022-02-21T09:28:25.957 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **proxy** | 2022-02-21T09:28:25.957Z INFO cmd/proxy.go:286 proxying to master address {"address": "[fdaa:[[omitted]]"}

2022-02-21T09:28:26.147 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **proxy** | 2022-02-21T09:28:26.147Z INFO cmd/proxy.go:268 master address {"address": "[fdaa:[[omitted]]"}

2022-02-21T09:28:26.177 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **proxy** | 2022-02-21T09:28:26.176Z INFO cmd/proxy.go:286 proxying to master address {"address": "[fdaa:[[omitted]]"}

2022-02-21T09:28:29.592 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:29.592Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1505 our db requested role is master

2022-02-21T09:28:29.593 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:29.593Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1543 already master

2022-02-21T09:28:29.608 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:29.607Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1676 postgres parameters not changed

2022-02-21T09:28:29.608 app[omitted-app-2] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:29.607Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1703 postgres hba entries not changed

2022-02-21T09:28:30.632 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:30.631Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 our db requested role is standby {"followedDB": "4d883312"}

2022-02-21T09:28:30.632 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:30.632Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1576 already standby

2022-02-21T09:28:30.647 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:30.646Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1676 postgres parameters not changed

2022-02-21T09:28:30.647 app[omitted-app-1] ewr [info] **keeper** | 2022-02-21T09:28:30.646Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1703 postgres hba entries not changed

When I try to connect from my local machine using Wireguard I get a “domain not found” error, and when I run fly deploy from my connected Elixir app I get:

09:28:07.077 [error] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.135.0>) failed to connect: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) tcp connect (omitted-subdomain.internal:5432): non-existing domain - :nxdomain

Memory usage is only 300mb/2gb.

I’m kind of frustrated by this because the Fly dashboard green-lights my DB when it can’t even be connected to (technically it is “running” but technically a database is also “running” when it is on and throwing errors).

Note: I have a second Fly Postgres app I created in December 2021 that connects fine with Wireguard + its app (a different Elixir app); the PSQL app that won’t connect was created sometime around September 2021

I see what’s going on. Attempting to bring it back.

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I believe it should be back now. We’re looking into what might have caused this. Looks like our API thought this app shouldn’t be running at all, and yet it was.

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Thanks a ton, Jerome!

When I first ran into this problem, it was right after I terminated a fly deploy build mid-upload from the CLI last Friday (this was my first fly deploy for this app for a little while, and I terminated the first run of the command), but I have not checked if the connected PSQL app was already having this issue prior to terminatingfly deploy.

Sure thing!

Are you talking about the app that connects to your postgres cluster or the postgres cluster itself? If the latter, you’re deploying it because you’re using special settings / extensions on your cluster?

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Ah, I meant the Elixir Fly app that connects to my postgres cluster, the postgres cluster itself is just the standard/default created and connected via the Fly CLI.

It is back now, thanks a ton!