I am attempting to launch a phoenix+postgres app on Fly.io for the first time, and hit a speedbump. It seems the default build dockerfile points to a docker build image that doesn’t exist.
At the top of the Dockerfiler is this section, showing my elixir and otp versions and populating a debian version:
Only problem is, a docker image with that tag does not exist on the hexpm docker image list. The missing piece seems to be the debian version, as bullseye-20210902-slim does exist and seems to work.
Thanks and feel free to reach out to me for further details that might be helpful in making improvements if you pick this up.
This was fixed in the Phoenix 1.6.12 release. Unfortunately the debian image was pulled from the registry, and we now generate the Dockerfile with bullseye-20210902-slim. Previously generated Dockerfiles will need to be updated manually. Thanks!
I think the diff shows the opposite direction; adding bullseye-20220801-slim, the image which did not exist for my elixir/erlang combination. phoenix 1.6.11..1.6.12 | hexdiff
ok, maybe you expect this, but phoenix master branch on Github uses a different one than 1.6.12 on Hex.pm. The Phoenix 1.6.12 image is the version that did not work in my case.