Hello previously before i raised the issue the flyio and billing team i was able to create more 1000 apps with machines all working but the update machine was giving error after 20 apps so i have raised the issue you can check this [link](https://community.fly.io/t/your-organization-has-reached-its-machine-limit-but-able-to-create-new-machine/22753/3)
and after that they have done some modifications now I have a limit of 20 apps i am not able to create more then 20 apps billing team is also not responding i have waited for 4-5 days for the reply but still did’r receive. We are ok to pay the amount but we need the system working ASAP our app is in production clients are facing down time anyone can help out in this I am using machine api to create machine even tried cli still same thing
I’ve seem them mentioning somewhere that 1k apps in the same region is kinda abusing the system. Their hardware doesn’t have unlimited capacity. If you need that kind of scalling in the same region haven’t you though about the big cloud providers? I guess cloud run or lamba could handle that many apps with ease.
So were the fly outages due to people creating 1000s of apps and 1:1 requests:machines?
If this is the case then you’d be better off having paid support and contacting their support. They’ll have faster response times, especially if it’s affecting your production environment.
Yes i have taken the support asking the support team
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