Sometime yesterday logs stopped working for my application. The last logs message was from 2023-05-30 20:39:40 UTC and was an error message from the proxy.
The current output from fly logs
error.message="client problem: no host specified in headers or uri" 2023-05-30T17:25:46Z proxy chi [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/""01H1PV3GG7XFF44Z18N64W47BC-chi" response.status=400
error.message="client problem: no host specified in headers or uri" 2023-05-30T19:55:09Z proxy cdg [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/""01H1Q3N1YQEPJM9R0VTH39FADG-cdg" response.status=400
error.message="client problem: no host specified in headers or uri" 2023-05-30T20:06:40Z proxy lga [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/""01H1Q4A4BJR8XQRH45R87QVZJB-lga" response.status=400
error.message="client problem: invalid authority" 2023-05-30T20:39:40Z proxy lhr [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/""01H1Q66J2F839SERF8ENM1EZQ0-lhr" response.status=400
contains the same info but a little less detail:
client problem: no host specified in headers or uri
client problem: no host specified in headers or uri
client problem: no host specified in headers or uri
client problem: invalid authority
The application still works and serves responses, only the logging is broken. I have tried redeploying the app without success. I have also tried adding Logtail as drain, but I assume it’s using fly logs
as a source and therefore isn’t working either.
Does anyone have an idea what’s wrong?