Logs down?

I’m new to fly. Just deployed my first project last night. Everything was working great when I went to bed. This morning it is still up. But something is going on with the logs.

fly logs just hangs there with no output. I can’t see them through Grafana either.

Any suggestions?

Somewhat unrelated but as I am trying to dig into that I am having trouble connecting to the app via SSH. fly ssh issue --agent gives me Error: can’t connect to SSH agent: dial unix: missing address. This is from a windows 11 machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


+1, we’re seeing the same thing

Yes, the log search function is currently down, we’re looking into the issue and hope to have it working again soon.

Streaming logs are still available, so a running fly logs command should still output any new logs written after the command started.

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@wjordan I’m only getting postgres streaming logs, not application logs

Just curious: why no incident opened for this one?

We’ve now posted a public incident for this and will update when it’s resolved.

[update: this has been resolved]

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I’ve noticed logs are not working on my app today, not sure if the incident was only partially resolved or has come back?

I am unable to access logs in terminal or Grafana.

Yeah. It’s never been fully fixed for me. Streaming logs work. But can’t view any history of them. At least they do have it listed as a open incident so they’re working on it.

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