More RAM for GPU machines

The long story short: GPU machines can request up to 256GB of RAM per attached GPU device.

Some of you have expressed the need for more RAM, not talking about GPU memory, but larger machine’s memory options to load those beefy models that requires intermediary memory to work.

The base machine size for all GPU models is performance-8x, it comes with 8 CPUs and 32GB while its memory limit is 64GB. It has been possible to raise memory to 128GB by using performance-16x as base size, but starting this week any GPU machine can scale up memory up to 256GB per card.

Below example launches a A10 GPU machine with 256GB on a performance-8x base size (the default):

fly m run -a dan-gpu -r ord --vm-size a10 --vm-memory 256gb --shell ubuntu:24.04
Success! A Machine has been successfully launched in app dan-gpu
 Machine ID: 3d8dd947fe4989
root@3d8dd947fe4989:/# free -mh
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           251Gi       2.0Gi       251Gi       153Mi       486Mi       249Gi

And this is how you scale up to 512GB and 2 GPU cards:

❯ fly m run -a dan-gpu -r ord --vm-size a10 --vm-memory 512gb --vm-gpus 2 --shell ubuntu:24.04
Success! A Machine has been successfully launched in app dan-gpu
 Machine ID: 4d89019df63587
root@4d89019df63587:/# free -mh
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           503Gi       3.5Gi       503Gi       153Mi       485Mi       500Gi
Swap:             0B          0B          0B

happy hacking!


It’s great to see how the service is gradually growing!

These kinds of improvements really make a difference and contribute to an even better experience for all of us. Thanks @dangra :slight_smile: :pray: