Machine never starting for a large docker image

I’m trying to start a fly machine with this command:

 fly machine run \
    -a unstructured3 \
    --name machine2 \
    --vm-size shared-cpu-8x \

It takes a long time and then fails creating.
Here is the output:

Searching for image '' remotely...
image found: img_wd57v55ke7y7v38o
Image size: 4.8 GB

Success! A Machine has been successfully launched in app unstructured3
 Machine ID: 0801699c642658
 State: created

 Attempting to start machine...

Error: timeout reached waiting for machine's state to change
The machine 0801699c642658 took more than 5m0s to reach "started"

The image is quite large (4.8GB) but I don’t understand why it fails.
Can someone reproduce this? Is there a solution ?

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