I’m trying to deploy a docker image using fly.io but I cannot manage to make it work.
The image is quite big so I’m wondering if it could be the issue.
I tried with fly launch --image downloads.unstructured.io/unstructured-io/unstructured-api:latest
which result in this error:
Error: failed to wait for VM 784e67eb34ed98 in started state: not_found: machine not found (Request ID: 01JBA0ZZ7950ZZGQGY089EVS1Q-sin) (Trace ID: 6cdabbd6f7ce2e130a027c1bb291d6bf)
And with fly machine run \ -a unstructured3 \ --name machine2 \ --vm-size shared-cpu-8x \ downloads.unstructured.io/unstructured-io/unstructured-api:latest
i get this error:
Error: timeout reached waiting for machine’s state to change
The machine 918592da459ee8 took more than 5m0s to reach “started”
Increasing the --wait-timeout has not effect, I tried in a bunch of region with small and big machines without success.
Anyone has an idea of how I could solve this issue?