Machine hanging

Every now and then I get a machine hanging (e.g. machine e82d396a096218 on app 7ee8850a-a5a5-4737-987c-cd1deef8f9d0). It’s fairly rare and if I redeploy my app and I get a new machine, it’s all good.

For my current use case, I’m not too bothered but I’m wondering if this is something that’s somewhat expectable — and if this is the reason why Fly insists so much on the 2 machines for HA. (The way I’m writing my app doesn’t allow for concurrent usage for now so I am setting --ha=false and --max-concurrent 1).

That Machine seems to be launching your app properly, but the app seems to be waiting on user input before it finishes booting. Watching application logs while the app boots should help you debug your issue.

@wjordan I’ve now understood what’s going on here. The Live Logs are literally live, so if there’s logs from behind then, they typically don’t show up. So I need to use the Log Explorer to look at previous logs. What was going on, indeed, is that the app was asking for user input, but this happened before I opened the live logs, so the app seemed “stuck” to me.

We can close this topic.