I know that you can list machines via the CLI and can perform some shell based filtering to obtain those with a certain status (in my case stopped).
My question is whether there’s also API support for something like this planned? The docs don’t show this option.
For context: I’m using machines in a “serverless” way and end up with dangling stopped machines sometimes. I’d like to have a scheduled job clean them up via the API rather than having to manually type a CLI command.
I’ve done this recently using these calls (these are authenticates requests):
Call to GET https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps?org_slug=<my-org>
Foreach app in the results, check app.machine_count, if greater than zero, then do further work.
Foreach app with a machine, run GET https://api.machines.dev/v1/apps/<app-name>/machines to get the machines and their state
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer `fly auth token`" \
# Logic here to get JSON results and get each app with some machines
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer `fly auth token`" \