Is there an API or something available for region pricing?

I’d love to be able to pull in the latest pricing easily from somewhere like an API endpoint or even just a json file on a URL somewhere.

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Ooh yes, try this against the GraphQL endpoint:

query {
  platform {
    regions {

Ah, you’re after pricing; sorry, this is just regions. Apologies!

A stable location for this would be really nice…

At the moment, it’s available in JSON within the HTML for the pricing page:

const regionMarkups = {
  "iad": 1,
  "ewr": 1,
  "ams": 1.038461538,
  "arn": 1.038461538,
  "bom": 1.076923077,
  "mad": 1.096153846,
  "yul": 1.115384615,
  "yyz": 1.115384615,
  "lhr": 1.134615385,
  "cdg": 1.134615385,
  "fra": 1.153846154,
  "sjc": 1.192307692,
  "lax": 1.199519231,
  "atl": 1.25,
  "bos": 1.25,
  "ord": 1.25,
  "dfw": 1.25,
  "den": 1.25,
  "mia": 1.25,
  "phx": 1.25,
  "sea": 1.25,
  "sin": 1.269230769,
  "syd": 1.269230769,
  "jnb": 1.302884615,
  "nrt": 1.307692308,
  "otp": 1.326923077,
  "waw": 1.326923077,
  "gdl": 1.350961538,
  "qro": 1.350961538,
  "hkg": 1.403846154,
  "bog": 1.615384615,
  "gig": 1.615384615,
  "gru": 1.615384615,
  "scl": 1.697115385,
  "eze": 1.858173077,

(These are the multipliers relative to ewr, the cheapest region. Poor eze!)

But that could change without warning, of course.

There’s also a price viewer in GraphQL, but I don’t know how it differentiates between regions. You also have to sign into the API to get an answer:

query {
  platform {
    vmSizes {

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