Is there a way I can create two apps with a volume each using the free tier?

Within the free-tier, it appears you can only create one volume. This is because the minimum size for a single volume appears to be 1gb and despite the docs saying you can use a max of 3gb, actually it appears to be 1gb. If say, you could create a 512mb volume then I guess you might be able to create 2 volumes.

The problem I have is that I want to try multiple environments, staging/prod. Although you can create multiple apps, if you can only create 1 volume then only one app will work…

Is there a way I can create two apps with a volume each in the free tier?


It sounds like you haven’t added a credit card to your account. More so than that being a method of getting money, it helps prevent abusive behaviors on free signups.

If you can, the easiest way to spin up more apps/volumes will likely be to add a CC and then stay below 3 shared-cpu-1x VMs and 3gb total volumes. (You can keep an eye on your bandwidth via