installation of fly command line on windows


I want to ask if I have to run the: ```
iwr -useb | iex

I am on windows 11 and it seems that unless I do it it says flyctl or fly is not recognized as a cmdlet?

Yeah, I have the same problem. The powershell just say the fly command is installed and let me insert “fly --help” to see details, but it does not work.

Can you try:

ls $HOME\.fly\bin
echo $ENV:PATH

The first should show fly.exe, flyctl.exe, and wintun.dll.

The second should include your .fly\bin directory.

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Hi, I found the problem that “fly.exe” did not show up in the result. Can I know how to fix it?

First thing to try is:

flyctl version update

But I suspect that won’t work for you as it looks like you are up to date. You can create a symbolic link, but you will need to run Powershell as administrator:

cd $HOME/.fly/bin
New-Item  -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path fly.exe -Target flyctl.exe

For more information, see: New-Item (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

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Wow! It works! Yeah, my version is up to date. So maybe the second line code helps me to create the missing “fly.exe” in the folder.

Thanks a lot! I appreciate your help!