Improved UI for machines and volumes

Happy Wednesday :tada:

We have shipped an updated UI for listing machines for improved readability, usability and consistency:

You will also notice some UI improvements on the Machine details page, with more coming in soon!

Similar treatment was applied to the volumes listing:


I noticed it earlier today and I love it.


All of my volumes say that 0MB is used, which I know isn’t right - is that just an uninitialised value that will be updated at some point?

Thanks for reporting this. I assume it was showing 0MB before this update, but please correct me if that was not the case.

Either way, we will look into it.

@juliancarrivick can you please run fly m list -a $YOUR_APP_NAME to verify if the volumes are attached correctly.

Thanks for the reply @EmilFly, the volumes aren’t listed! This is a postgres app (non-flex/legacy version) so maybe they get attached some different way? Either that or they haven’t been attached all this time! :scream:

ID            	NAME               	STATE  	REGION	IMAGE                    	IP ADDRESS                    	VOLUME	CREATED             	LAST UPDATED        	APP PLATFORM	PROCESS GROUP	SIZE                
e784ee51f69668	withered-night-5954	started	syd   	flyio/postgres: (v0.0.41)	fdaa:0:47b5:a7b:f1:69ca:874b:2	      	2023-10-07T01:38:14Z	2024-01-20T00:37:41Z	v2          	app          	shared-cpu-1x:256MB	
e784ee54b64928	bitter-glade-761   	started	syd   	flyio/postgres: (v0.0.41)	fdaa:0:47b5:a7b:f5:546e:fc63:2	      	2023-10-07T01:41:17Z	2023-10-19T00:15:30Z	v2          	app          	shared-cpu-1x:256MB

I seem to recall having issues transitioning this app to machines previously, that might be when it broke.