I wrote an Elixir client for the Machines API

TL;DR - I wrote a minimalist Elixir client for the Machines API: GitHub - ckreiling/fly_machines: Elixir client for the Fly Machines API

I started toying with the API for a personal project, and I realized I had fleshed it out quite a bit. I moved it to its own package and wrote some docs and tests, and feel pretty comfortable sharing it with folks now. Please note breaking changes might be introduced in the near future, and the client probably needs some work before being production-ready.

I’m looking for any general feedback, whether that be from the Fly.io team or from others who might be interested in writing automation against the Machines API with Elixir. If there’s any interest, I’d be happy to publish the library to Hex.pm too.


Cool! This is great! Thank you for pulling this together!

I’ve just shared it internally.

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