I was wondering if you guys had an OpenAPI Specification for the Machines API so I can generate an SDK for it.
I was wondering if you guys had an OpenAPI Specification for the Machines API so I can generate an SDK for it.
No. It was discussed a few times, but we haven’t implemented yet.
Out of curiosity, what is your programming language of choice? For Go, some uses GitHub - superfly/flyctl: Command line tools for fly.io services by importing the packages.
We use Node w/ TypeScript. TBH I honestly just don’t want to deal with serialization/deserialization and going back and forth in the docs.
BTW It might save you guys time maintaining a OAS as documentation instead of handwriting it, plus you get SDKs for free
@kaz Do you guys have a postman collection? I can use that to generate an OAS to start.
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