I added a new volume for my machine to persist images from being deleted with the continuous deploy but i cant access to them from html.
Im having problem with this.
Hi @Stelios
Could you post the snippet of html that’s referencing the image? It would help to know what path you’re using.
Hi @andie,
Sorry, I thought that I had posted a photo of it.
The ‘for’ loop is sent from the application with a return, and I have also confirmed that the ‘{{p[6]}}’ was printed correctly.
i also tried with relative path (…/…/…/…/…/persistent/upl/{{p[6]}}) but nothing works
The route of html is /app/src/templates/repuesto/home.html
This might be a permissions issue, with your image belonging to the root user. Your app must be running as a non-root user?
You should be able to set permissions with chown
via ssh. See also: Can't create Sqlite database in mounted volume - #6 by kurt
If that’s not the problem, hoping someone else can jump in and help.
@andie I tought that too but the directory and the img have 777 permissions i don’t know if i have to configure something else
You could try testing the image using a direct link like <img src="/persistent/upl/image.jpg">
just to rule out any issues there.
Thank for your help, i tried with a direct link too. I resolved it, the issue was the url defined by flask, that’s why i can upload images in that volume but not read them.
So, i created the volume inside the “static” route defined by flask and was resolved
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