I followed the docs to create a mysql fly.io app ( link and it works fine, I can proxy it on my localhost and connect to it, see the data, etc.
I don’t really know, or seems like I don’t understand, how to connect to the database from my java spring boot app. Here’s my sql app fly.toml:
app = "bikes4all-mysql"
primary_region = "otp"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
app = """--datadir /data/mysql \
--default-authentication-plugin mysql_native_password \
--performance-schema=OFF \
--innodb-buffer-pool-size 64M"""
MYSQL_DATABASE = "inginerie_software"
MYSQL_USER = "db_user"
image = "mysql:8.0.32"
and from what I seen in the docs, I have to access it something like bikes4all-mysql.internal
I tried it like this in my springboot application.properties:
but I get erros like: WrongArgumentException: Malformed database URL, failed to parse the main URL sections.
As I said, if I instead use the proxy (i proxy it on port 13306
) in my application.properties like this:
everything works fine and it connects to the database
I tried again, a clean start and a new fly app to deploy the sql, just to be sure there is nothing else that gets in the way.
I followed the exact steps in the docs, and this is how my sql fly app looks:
app = "mysql-bikes4all"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
primary_region = "otp"
app = """--datadir /data/mysql \
--default-authentication-plugin mysql_native_password \
--performance-schema=OFF \
--innodb-buffer-pool-size 64M"""
MYSQL_DATABASE = "inginerie_software"
MYSQL_USER = "non_root_user"
image = "mysql:8.0.32"
i do fly deploy
, then fly scale memory 2048
and again fly deploy
and it gets deployed. ( I do fly deploy
before the fly scale memory 2048
because if no deployment before, i was getting this error:
failed to grab app config from existing machines, error: could not create a fly.toml from any machines :-( No machines configured for this app
So, after I ran these commands, if I go and now try to proxy it on my localhost, it doesn’t work.
flyctl proxy 13306:3306 -a mysql-bikes4all
results into this output:
mysql-bikes4all.internal: host was not found in DNS
Any ideas? (This edit is for the purpose of recreating this scenario)
I cloned the machine the sql was running on ( I had only one, and it was suggested to clone the current one to make them 2 ) so now I can proxy it on my localhost again, and I can connect on my command prompt or spring boot to the database ( if it’s proxied on localhost). But still can’t connect to it remotely, let’s say mysql -hmysql-bikes4all.internal
in command line or spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://mysql-bikes4all.internal/inginerie_software
in my spring boot application.properties.
this is the output of mysql -hmysql-bikes4all.internal
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql-bikes4all.internal' (11001)