I’m configuring a Continuous Deployment to my app, and I already made a setup to build the docker and push to fly.io registry.
Now I’m want to check if my image was correctly pushed to registry, is there any way to see the images/tags that are in the regsitry for my application?
You could run fly releases --image
That should return a table with a column called ‘Docker Image’. Each release’s image will look something like registry.fly.io/app-name-here@sha256:long-hash-here
Thanks! Here is flyctl
the command.
Where did you find this documentation? The Fly Global Application Platform · Fly Docs I didn’t find anything here
But this is the release right? If I didn’t release the new version, I would not see my image and the tags that exists in the registry
Er … Good question. I’m not sure. I’d guess not.
This was the command: