Going slowly insane on this error.

✖ Failed: error creating a new machine: failed to launch VM: unable to use requested volume, 'vol_rk7z5kwq5113x8y4' due to capacity constraints

Using the following fly.toml

app = 'pfxv'
primary_region = 'ams'
vm.size = "a100-80gb"


source = 'runtime'
destination = '/run'

internal_port = 8000
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ['app']

I have tried both ams and ord
(Request ID: 01HRS0GRKS8HJ1VZN3YY2MC85G-lhr)

Am I just mad or is this error message unclear on specifics

hi @kibb

Are you running fly deploy when you get this error? Are you creating the volumes or letting fly deploy do that?

You can create an app and add [mounts] to your fly.toml and then fly deploy should create the volume (and Machine) for you on the right GPU host according to your primary_region and vm.size settings.

But if you’re creating the volumes separately, then you need to specify the region and vm_gpu_kind so that your volume gets created on a GPU host. For example:

fly volumes create <volume name> \
  --size 50 \
  --vm-gpu-kind a100-80gb \
  --region ams

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