Could not reserve resource for machine: Is Amsterdam datacenter overbooked?

Error failed to launch VM: could not reserve resource for machine: insufficient memory available to fulfill request

? Select region: Amsterdam, Netherlands (ams)
? Select configuration: Specify custom configuration
? Initial cluster size - Specify at least 3 for HA 1
? Select VM size: shared-cpu-2x - 4096
? Volume size 15

Is the ams datacenter overbooked?

Same with the smallest vm. :((

? Select region: Amsterdam, Netherlands (ams)
? Select configuration: Specify custom configuration
? Initial cluster size - Specify at least 3 for HA 1
? Select VM size: shared-cpu-1x - 256
? Volume size 15
Creating postgres cluster in organization gm
Creating app...
Setting secrets on app app-db2...
Provisioning 1 of 1 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.2@sha256:89f4feffa83925a4338736a4b4efc8ab6c871026d3497dfbc327b335927783c3
Error failed to launch VM: could not reserve resource for machine: insufficient memory available to fulfill request

After a few hours of waiting I managed to get the new cluster provisioned.

Unfortunately the status page showed no issues. Makes me think what other issues stay hidden

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Getting this as well right now. Is this what the Launch plan means by “high availability workloads”? Okay if so, just wondering if this is technical issue or limitation with plan?

In my case this is happening when I’m trying to push an image to the registry. Is there a way to pay to put more resources to the builder or anything else involved here?

Edit: Went away fairly quickly!

We’ve been having this issue several times today.

This is quite problematic as we’ve been using custom GitHub Actions to build our own CI/CD with Fly.