Fly GPUs are available for everyone to try. As you start using them, we want to make sure we’re here to answer questions and help you through deploying your first GPU-enabled Fly apps.
Here’s a few questions other Fly devs have had:
GPU access and org trust
Starting with GPU access and security! The most common error some of you may encounter is this message when you try to deploy:
Your organization does not have enough trust to create GPU machines. Please contact []( to remove the restriction.
This means exactly what it says: our fraud algorithm is unsure about your account. We’re a little more picky about who has access to GPUs than some of our other stuff. If you’re an existing Fly user with a history, we’ll look at your account and remove it. Otherwise we might ask you to pre-auth your card.
Perfomance CPUs and Midjourney Bot
One of you reported an issue (thanks!!) with the (Not)Midjourney Bot blog post where a non-GPU-enabled instance was being created from the fly.toml in the sample.
This is because the original post specified a shared cpu in the [[vm]] section, but GPUs now require performance CPUs (they just work a lot better). We’ve since fixed the sample to use performance-8x CPUs, so if you hit this issue, go try again!
What else have you come across? We’re here to help.
The request, not specific to GPUs, but especially for running expensive machines like GPUs, is that it would be easier to estimate costs if you could configure the time interval between the fly proxy’s automatic shutdown process.
Can I ask what size volume you’re trying to create? There are some org limits on this. Once we figure this out I’ll go back and make that error message clearer too.
hey @nina , got the same error message and still haven’t gotten a response from I’ve been using for a while now. How can I get the restriction removed from my account?
I am having the same issue and also sent an email to I’m relatively new to so I’m pretty sure that’s why my account got flagged. Could you kindly lift the restriction for me as well?
Hello! I’m facing this issue at the moment. I was following this article when I encountered the same error message. Can you remove the restriction please? Thank you!