Fresh Produce: Remote builder is cleaning up unused images more proactively

On, container images are by default built by our remote builders. You don’t have to install Docker locally. Your local computer doesn’t matter much. Even if you have bad wifi, you could build a huge container image that would download a ton from the internet.

However, the remote builder was cleaning up unused images only when it was idle. In other words, if you are busy developing and deploying your application, the images could accumulate over time. You would get no space left on device. We used to tell that “you can destroy the builder to free up space”, but not anymore!

Starting now, remote builders are proactively cleaning up unused images. So you won’t get no space left on device, hopefully never!


If you already have a remote builder, you need to destroy the existing one to update. Application with fly-builder- prefix is your remote builder (unless you name your application in such a way).

% fly app list
NAME                            OWNER           STATUS          PLATFORM       LATEST DEPLOY        
blue-hill-5775                  personal        pending         machines                           
blue-sun-7190                   personal        pending         machines                           
fly-builder-muddy-shadow-9374   personal        suspended       machines                           

You can destroy the builder by fly app destroy;

% fly app destroy fly-builder-muddy-shadow-9374
Destroying an app is not reversible.
? Destroy app fly-builder-muddy-shadow-9374? Yes
Destroyed app fly-builder-muddy-shadow-9374


The storage space of a remote builder is currently 50 GB. Let us know if you need more!

We cannot promise that we can bump the storage space right away, but we’d like to understand your use case.