I run flyctl ssh console… and nothing happens
before I ran fly ssh establish for this org.
flyctl ssh console -a concordia-production-web -r lhr
Waiting for host...
Could you please tell me how can I fix it?
I run flyctl ssh console… and nothing happens
before I ran fly ssh establish for this org.
flyctl ssh console -a concordia-production-web -r lhr
Waiting for host...
Could you please tell me how can I fix it?
What happens if you run flyctl ssh console -a concordia-production-web
without specifying a region? And could you show the update of fly status
as well? Just want to check if and where VMs are running.
Thanks. Are you on Windows, by any chance?
Macbook macOS 10.15.7
Other apps (in another org) work properly and I can connect.
Other apps (in another org) work properly and I can connect.
If connections work to other orgs and apps, just not this one, there may not be anything to update on your end. Let me check with the team and get back to you.
@nickolay.loshkarev can you try removing the wire_guard_state
entry for your org in ~/.fly/config.yml
and trying again? This will create a new WireGuard tunnel which might help get you unblocked.
Hi @michael,
I removed the section and ran again
flyctl ssh console -r lhr -a concordia-production-web -r lhr
This created the section again.
It’s interesting because I couldn’t connect to trusseltrust instances. They both are in region fra
Hi @michael,
We tested this for @matthewford and he didn’t connect either
Same here
When you removed the wire_guard_state
and tried it again it still didn’t work, right? We’d expect it to put new keys back in, but it’s still not working?
It put new keys and it’s still not working
Could this be due to a tools update (flyctl)?
If it was a flyctl
problem I’d expect it to break all the orgs you’re connecting to, not just this one. We’re in the process of debugging this, though, will share more info when we have something.
I have the problem for any instances trusseltrust and concordia They both are in region fra
fra I meant in ~/.fly/config.yml but they are in lhr
Thanks, we’re debugging this. In the meanwhile let me try to find a workaround.
@nickolay.loshkarev Could you do a fly status
on the trusseltrust
and concordia
apps? Would help to see how long they’ve been running.
At this point the CLI seems to be connecting to the wrong IPs — could you also run
fly ips private
to get the current list of your VM IPs, and then
fly ssh console -s
— when you choose an app/region combination here it’ll show which IP it’s trying to connect to. If there’s a mismatch there we’ll know that that’s the issue.