flyctl apps destory command not working


The above command has stopped working for some reason. I am getting the following response:

The APPS commands focus on managing your Fly applications.
Start with the CREATE command to register your application.
The LIST command will list all currently registered applications.

  flyctl apps [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new application
  destroy     Permanently destroys an app
  list        List applications
  move        Move an app to another organization
  open        Open browser to current deployed application
  releases    List app releases
  restart     Restart an application

  -h, --help   help for apps

Global Flags:
  -t, --access-token string   Fly API Access Token
  -j, --json                  json output
      --verbose               verbose output

Use "flyctl apps [command] --help" for more information about a command.

I am using the following version:


Not sure what happened but everything seems to be broken on fly’s end.

Hi @vivek-guerdon, I notice in the title of this topic there’s a typo in the command. Can you double-check you used the correct one in the terminal?

(The output you show suggests that flyctl did not recognise the command you gave it. I’m on v0.0.470 and flyctl apps destroy works for me.)