fly scale memory vs fly scale count --vm-memory

If I want to change both the count and memory size of my machines should I use separate fly scale count and fly scale memory commands or can I do it with one fly scale count N --vm-memory M command? (I tried the latter and it didn’t seem to work but I also couldn’t find anything in the docs that said those were even equivalent.)

Hi… I don’t think those two are intended to be equivalent, :cactus:. In my own experiments, the latter only uses its --vm-memory argument when scaling up from 0. (Which is traditionally an awkward corner case of flyctl, as you may know.)

fly m clone --vm-memory=512 <machine-hex-id> will do the combined operation that you want, at least as far as new Machines go.

Personally, I’ve always found the fly scale commands non-intuitive—falling somewhere in the uncanny valley between fully declarative and fully imperative styles. The fly m clone, fly m update, etc., set better matches the “market” concept of the post-Nomad world, and I always reach for them instead…

Hope this helps a little!

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