Fly Kubernetes updates: Readiness probes, custom hostnames, exec support

Readiness probes

We’ve added support for HTTP and TCP readiness probes. They’re useful when you want to specify when a pod is ready to start accepting traffic — pods that are not ready are removed from services and therefore not sent any traffic. For the moment, we don’t support liveness and startup probes. Additionally, we don’t support exec and gRPC probes.

Custom hostnames

Pods can now have custom hostnames set via their spec (see Kubernetes documentation for details). Additionally, we fixed a bug where the Pod hostname was not set to its name by default as is expected.

Exec support

We’ve added in support for the kubectl exec command which runs a command in a container. There are a couple limitations at present:

  • TTY is not supported
  • stdin is not forwarded
  • stdout/stderr are not streamed

More improvements

  • Previously, adding additional labels to a pod on the fly (via kubectl label) did not work correctly. We’ve fixed that, pods will now reflect changes to their metadata (without any restarts)
  • General bug fixes over the last few weeks, improving the stability and reliability of FKS.

From General to Fresh Produce

Will this be supported by non-kubernetes machines too?

It will be in future yes but we have no timeline as to when.

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