Fly is stuck replacing VM

Are you using the max-per-region directive? If so, the deploys could hang if:

  1. Regions have been removed. fly scale count has to be re-run again with the latest and correct count set: Unable to deploy to any region - deployment forever loop - #7 by kurt
  2. Deploying with strategies other than rolling. rolling is the only deploy strat that works when max-per-region is set: Deploy is not going through (pending automatic promotion) - #7 by jerome

If you’re looking to remove max-per-region, see: Deployment hangs forever - #12 by lewis

Other than that, it sounds like something else might have gone wrong; like if you’re using release_commands or volumes or hit “nomad” (Apps v1) bugs etc then historically Fly apps are known to hang about in limbo, which requires Fly engs to intervene and rectify things.

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