Deployment hangs forever

Hi @rahmatjunaid, I understand --max-per-region is not compatible with --strategy bluegreen. However, what I’m trying to do is turn off --max-per-region so I can use --strategy bluegreen again.

My understanding was that --max-per-region -1 should accomplish that, looking at the implementation where it defaults to -1.

If that’s not correct, what is the correct way to disable --max-per-region so I can start using --strategy bluegreen again?

FWIW, fly scale show shows Max Per Region as Not set:

> fly scale show
VM Resources for reflame-resource
        VM Size: shared-cpu-1x
      VM Memory: 256 MB
          Count: 3
 Max Per Region: Not set

But I think there’s a bug there so not sure if I can trust that: MaxPerRegion is always "Not Set" · Issue #596 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub