Fly deploy failing after changing Dockerfile

I changed my Erlang version in the Dockerfile Fly created from 26.0.1 to 25. I didn’t change the elixir version. When I try to deploy I get this error

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve with frontend 
dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: 
bullseye-20230612-slim: not found

How do you deploy these changes in my Dockerfile?

I ended up switching back to the original Erlang version in my Dockerfile and I managed to run fly deploy. I am not really well versed with Docker so this was the original Dockerfile created by fly launch. I thought I could update the Erlang or Elixir version in the Dockerfile but it doesn’t work. Am wondering how this is handled because I am sure I will want to change or update my Erlang version.

What this error message is telling you, is that the docker image you’re trying to inherit from, does not exist. You can see which tags are available here.

Hopefully you’ll find one that has the versions you want! If not, an alternative could be to add a RUN command to the Dockerfile to do the upgrade. I’m not super familiar with erlang, but that command will just be RUN followed by whatever you would use to do the upgrade in debian (since this is a debian-based image).

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