Feature request: DNS entry for dedicated IPv4

For my use case, I need to forward non-HTTP TCP communication from an external port to an internal service (via nginx stream). So, I need to use allocate-ipv4 and pay for it.

It would be quite helpful (for development) if I could specify a label for that address such that I can address it directly because <app>.fly.dev randomly (or round robin style) resolves to either the dedicated address which works for forwarding the TCP communication or the shared address which does not work for forwarding. Something like <label>.<app>.fly.dev would be quite cool.

Hi… Possibly I am misunderstanding what you are aiming for, but, in general, you should simply release the older of the two addresses, :leaves::

After allocating a dedicated IPv4 address, release the shared IPv4 address:

$ fly ips release <ip address to release>


(This used to be automatic.)

Hope this helps!

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Added proxy

Thanks, revoking the shared IP is a good solution!

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