Error tunnel unavailable: failed probing "personal": context deadline exceeded

So this implies that your flyctl client is having trouble reaching your organization’s wireguard VPN. There are a few things you can to do check your local connection to your organization’s network:

  • fly doctor as a basic diagnostic: this will confirm that your agent/auth are working, and ping the wireguard gateway
  • bounce the connection: create a new wireguard peer, and remove the old one:
fly wg list # see which peer you're using
fly wg reset # generate a new one 
fly wg remove # remove the old one
  • other fly wireguard subcommands might come in handy, depending on what the underlying issue is
fly wg status
# view detailed statistics for a connection 
fly wg websockets enable
# tunnel wg traffic over websockets to sidestep LAN issues 

We’ll also be sure to look into this on our end to make sure everything looks OK on our end!

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