Error: failed to update VM 5683dd7xxxxxxx: unknown: deploys to this host are temporarily disabled, please try again later or check the status page:

I’m trying to update the app using github action, but the fly deploy seems to not be updating the maching

Hello @olawalessed ,

  • In your github repo, do you have the toml file?
  • In your github action to do you see any errors or does it go through with no errors?
  • When you go to Sign In · Fly/activity do you see the version of the app increase when the github action completes?
  • Any errors in the fly logs for your app when it runs after the new deployment? - fly logs · Fly Docs

Thanks! :slight_smile:

im having this issue as well :frowning:

fly scale show returns 2 counts with sea region.

fly status shows:

  Name     = ***redacted***
  Owner    = ***redacted***
  Hostname = ***redacted***
  Image    = ***redacted***
  Platform = machines

app    	148***********	132    	sea   	started	    	      	2023-09-11T02:57:21Z
app    	148***********	127    	sea   	started	    	      	2023-09-10T17:10:28Z

fly logs:

2023-09-11T02:57:05Z runner[148**********] sea [info]Successfully prepared image (19.055289572s)
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z runner[148**********] sea [info]Configuring firecracker
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info][    0.035040] Spectre V2 : WARNING: Unprivileged eBPF is enabled with eIBRS on, data leaks possible via Spectre v2 BHB attacks!
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info][    0.038549] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 5293a099)...
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Preparing to run: `/app/bin/migrate` as nobody
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api
2023-09-11T02:57:12Z app[148**********] sea [info]2023/09/11 02:57:12 listening on [fcbb:0:631b:a7b:124:48e2:4049:2]:22 (DNS: [fcbb::3]:53)
2023-09-11T02:57:14Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Main child exited normally with code: 0
2023-09-11T02:57:14Z app[148**********] sea [info] WARN Reaped child process with pid: 306 and signal: SIGUSR1, core dumped? false
2023-09-11T02:57:14Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Starting clean up.
2023-09-11T02:57:14Z app[148**********] sea [info] WARN hallpass exited, pid: 256, status: signal: 15 (SIGTERM)
2023-09-11T02:57:14Z app[148**********] sea [info]2023/09/11 02:57:14 listening on [fcbb:0:631b:a7b:124:48e2:4049:2]:22 (DNS: [fcbb::3]:53)
2023-09-11T02:57:15Z app[148**********] sea [info][    3.236379] reboot: Restarting system
2023-09-11T02:57:15Z runner[148**********] sea [info]machine restart policy set to 'no', not restarting
2023-09-11T02:57:17Z runner[148**********] sea [info]Pulling container image
2023-09-11T02:57:18Z runner[148**********] sea [info]Successfully prepared image (399.63827ms)
2023-09-11T02:57:18Z runner[148**********] sea [info]Configuring firecracker
2023-09-11T02:57:18Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Sending signal SIGTERM to main child process w/ PID 255
2023-09-11T02:57:19Z app[148**********] sea [info] WARN Reaped child process with pid: 315 and signal: SIGUSR1, core dumped? false
2023-09-11T02:57:20Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Main child exited normally with code: 0
2023-09-11T02:57:20Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Starting clean up.
2023-09-11T02:57:20Z app[148**********] sea [info] WARN hallpass exited, pid: 256, status: signal: 15 (SIGTERM)
2023-09-11T02:57:20Z app[148**********] sea [info]2023/09/11 02:57:20 listening on [fcbb:0:631b:a7b:1a8:3520:c33e:2]:22 (DNS: [fcbb::3]:53)
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info][  178.497995] reboot: Restarting system
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info][    0.040676] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 5293a099)...
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO Preparing to run: `/app/bin/server` as nobody
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api
2023-09-11T02:57:21Z app[148**********] sea [info]2023/09/11 02:57:21 listening on [fcbb:0:631b:a7b:1a8:3520:c33e:2]:22 (DNS: [fcbb::3]:53)
2023-09-11T02:57:25Z app[148**********] sea [info] WARN Reaped child process with pid: 313 and signal: SIGUSR1, core dumped? false

Hey @jaeyson - this issue could be different from the one that @olawalessed based on the error log that you provided. I didn’t see anything that said “deploys to this host are temporarily disabled, please try again later or check the status page:”.

With that being said, I would suggest trying a different region as a test and see if that fixes the issue - Getting PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found - #9 by Morzaram (Just as a test)


@masterjx9 wow changing regions did work! :pray:

what I did was:

  • fly scale count 2 --region REGION
  • removed the old region
  • then redeployment worked!

Thanks for you response @masterjx9

  • I have a fly.toml file
  • I have the same error used as the topic of this issue when the action completes
  • The app version number does not increase due to the failure
  • No error was shown on the logs

But i realized that fly deploy uses a rolling strategy by default. But that seems to be cause of the issue.

What i tried:
I went to my terminal inside the local file route, then ran fly deploy immediate which means to kill the machine and rebuild on the spot.
This worked, but i don’t think it’s a good option for me, because rolling strategy is more preferable.
I tried to use bluegreen strategy but, i guess i can’t quite use that for now

I’m just confused why the deployment to the host machine was temporarily disabled because the github action normally run successfully,
I’m also thinking maybe it’s an issue from fly itself, because it should be able to log the actual reason why the host wasn’t accessible

getting the same error trying to deploy with github actions.
Error: failed to update VM 9185937b25ee83: unknown: deploys to this host are temporarily disabled, please try again later or check the status page:

237Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

tried updating regions like suggested above but that didn’t work

Region changing worked for me. atl (Atlanta) stopped working. Thanks!

1 Like

Later got this fixed guys, thanks for the responses.

with fly status it will show the machines and their versions.
I then did fly m destroy to destroy the machine with the version number behind
Then… I changed my deployment strategy to bluegreen

Below is a sample fly.toml that makes bluegreen deployment works for me without asking for the bg_deployment_http/tcp

app = "your_app_name_here"
primary_region = "atl"


strategy = "bluegreen"

  internal_port = [YOUR_PORT]
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0
  processes = ["app"]
  grace_period = "10s"
  interval = "30s"
  method = "GET"
  timeout = "5s"
  path = "/your-health-route (i.e '/health')"

Then if you have your Dockerfile ready, then it should be good to go.

I hope this help someone.

I shared the solution in my new response,
i don’t know how to reference it, but you can check it out in the thread
I hope it helps

I think you should look into your machine restart policy
Although it might not be what led to your issue